Variables Of Java Class part-1


In the first tutorial, I discussed that, a java class have five elements. Variable is one of these. Now we discuss about variable. There are three types of variables. They are..

  1. Local Variable
  • Declaration:- Declared inside the method or constructor or blocks.
  • Scope:- We can access the local variable only within the method, within the constructor or within the block. Out side is not possible.
  • Memory allocation:- When method or constructor of blocks start memory are allocated. When method invoked memory allocated and memory released when method completed.
  • Stored Area:- Local variable are stored in stack memory
        Next post is coming soon.......


  1. What is a Java Class? Please describe them in Bangla also as someone New Bee can follow you. Do it part by part.

  2. Please make a post describing the basics of java. Like... to start java learning+practicing. As some schoolboy can follow you. You can start with.... list of things needed to run a java program (jdk, server, database, then simple java code).

  3. Happy Code Teaching....
